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Consumer & Sole Trader
Term Loans Solution

Streamline and automate your lending process.

ezbob Term Loans

Consumer & Sole Trader Term Loans Solution allow for precision credit decisions, while automating the whole process. Customers receive a loan offer in seconds and funds can be released in hours. It fast-tracks customer acquisition and maximises loan processing efficiency.

loan processing

Transform your lending

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Streamline your application and onboarding

Our experts reengineer your process, simplifying it, making it easy-to-understand and quick to complete.

Automate all regulatory, compliance, and fraud checking

Automate all regulatory, compliance, and fraud checking with OCR technology and real-time checking of third-party data sources.

Credit decisioning is completed in seconds

Credit decisioning is completed in seconds using over 40 third-party data sources including Open Banking, conventional and non-conventional sources. Our AI-enabled decisioning analytics automate fast, accurate risk and affordability determinations.

Configured to your practices and risk appetite

Policy rules, risk models and pricing are configured to your practices and risk appetite.

Manage and monitor your lending rules and requirements

Management tools allow you to monitor and refine your lending rules and requirements in real-time.

Easily integrate with your CRM systems

The Term Loans Solution easily integrates with your CRM systems and customer data files.


Metro Bank saw an immediate improvement across the board…


fully automated approvals


of loans accepted and signed


completed application in under 5 minutes

Read the case study

Let us show you how we can transform your lending with breakthrough technology that will deliver results for your business.

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“ezbob has revolutionised our lending - it now takes our customers under 5 minutes to apply.” Metro Bank - View case study
Global Finance Magazine - Innovation Award Winner 2021
Banking Technology Awards Winner 2020
The Banker Tech Project Awards Winner 2019
Banking Technology Awards Winner 2018
Financial Innovation Awards Winner 2017

Go to market in
weeks, not months

Automated. Accurate. Engaging.

Ezbob can quickly customise its solutions to your needs and operating environment. As a cloud-based platform there is no hardware to buy or lengthy development process needed.

High-speed customer acquisition platform

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Book a demo

Are you ready to take your lending to the next level with ezbob's embedded finance platform? Book a demo today to see how we can help you enable funding quickly and easily, with fully automated digital onboarding and advanced decision-making algorithms.


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